
An Interview With the Tooth Fairy in Cherry Hill

Plus a FREE letter from the Tooth Fairy for your child!

By Jennifer Hill, publisher of Macaroni Kid Fremont, Calif. February 18, 2021

Macaroni Kid Cherry Hill was lucky enough to snag an interview with the elusive Tooth Fairy herself when she was in Cherry Hill!

This was our chance to get all of our questions about the Tooth Fairy answered.

As a bonus to all of you awesome Macaroni Kid Cherry Hill readers, the Tooth Fairy is offering you a chance to receive a FREE Tooth Fairy letter for your child! Talk about magical tooth fairy fun! Now let's get on with our interview:

MK: What color is your gown and do you wear a tiara?

TF: GLITTERY! My gown is all glittery and this is why some children may find a little glitter on them or their pillow when I visit. And yes, I always wear my tiara. 

MK: How do you get into the house?

TF: I have fairy magic! Once you are asleep, I can pop right through any window to get in and out quickly and quietly.

MK: How do you know who in Cherry Hill lost a tooth each day?

TF: I have a magical list, and as a child loses their tooth, their name and address magically appear on my list.

MK: How do you carry all of the money and teeth?

TF: It's that fairy magic again! I just tuck it into my bag and it always fits. Wouldn't it be cool if suitcases worked like that too?

MK: Where do you live?

TF: I live in Fairyland. It's the most magical place in the whole world. It's not far from Cherry Hill!

MK: What do you do with the teeth you collect?

TF: We use them in Fairyland. They make adorable little fences and look great in our gardens. Some fairies even use them as bricks to build homes with! They are definitely put to great use.

Download a free letter from the tooth fairy and print it out for your child!

MK: Can you find a missing tooth?

TF: I am usually very good at finding a missing tooth, so don't worry too much if you lose your tooth before leaving it for me! Sometimes children leave me a note to help me find it. 

MK: How many teeth do you collect every night?

TF: Every night I collect many, many teeth — so many I cannot even count them all!

MK: Do you ever take a night off?

TF: YES! The Fairy Flu is very common for fairies and if I get sick or hurt, I have to take the night off. So don't worry if I don't show up one night — I will definitely come when I am all better again! Luckily I don't have to worry about the illnesses affecting humans. Fairies are immune to those!

MK: How do you decide how much money to leave for each tooth?

TF: The amount of money I can leave for teeth changes all the time. Sometimes I can leave more money and other times, I have to leave less. But no matter what, if you keep your teeth healthy and sparkling white, I'll leave you a nice surprise in exchange for your teeth!

MK: Do you only leave money or do you leave other things also?

TF: I usually leave money. However, from time to time I might leave you a small toy or another surprise!

MK: Do you know Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny?

TF: Oh, yes! They are both very good friends of mine. But we are all so busy making children happy that we rarely get a chance to hang out.

MK: At what age do most kids lose their first tooth?

TF: Every child is different. I have collected teeth from children of all ages. But I can say the average age is about 5 to 6 years old.

MK: Does it hurt to lose a tooth?

TF: If you force it out before it is ready to fall out, it will probably hurt a little. Sometimes the dentist has to pull out a tooth, but they have special medicine to make that not hurt. If you have a wiggly tooth, give it time! Once it's ready it will come out easily and not really hurt at all.

Click here to receive your FREE letter from the Tooth Fairy! 

Jennifer Hill is the publisher of Macaroni Kid Fremont, Calif.


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